- Sunday, December 19 2010 @ 10:30 pm UTC
- Contributed by: erik
- Views: 2,531
Erik & Diane -
Attached you will find some photos of Molly, her new home & friends.
Molly is doing wonderfully and does great meeting new people and critters - she is quite the social girl!! She has learned her first word which, of course, is "NO" and we are being totally successful with the pottie training. The first night I invited here onto the bed and she happily complied and laid right next to me all night - and every night since - no wandering, deviltry or accidents over night!! Her transportation experiences are going better, as well. Winston has taught her that the golf cart is fun and nothing to be afraid of (even though the rule is we must all sit) and she is getting to be a happy seaman in the boat. Winston is very patient with her and is a very positive influence - although he often gives me the "You've got to be kidding" look a goes home to his wintertime Mom.
And then there is Mr. Mullet, the cat. He loves Molly and wants her affection but when she wants to play he escapes or, more often, lets her know who is boss and that rough-housing is not in his play book!! Molly has acquired a couple of minor "lesson" scratches on her nose and this, too, will work itself out in due time. The interesting thing to me is that Mullet had me trained to go and fetch him and bring him at night; now he is right at the door at dusk wanting back in for the night!! Thank you Molly!!
The first 48 hours Molly was very calm for a one year old. However, as she acquired regular good nutrition, her puppy energy suddenly exploded yesterday!!! It requires Mom to be more vigilant and quick but I am delighted that she is on the road to a healthy and active lifestyle!! (This increase in Mom's activity will also allow Mom to eat more over the holiday season!! Always a plus to everything!)
We have much still to learn but Molly is very bright and is progressing with walking on the leash, SIT, STAY, DOWN and COME (the last of which is always the most important in my humble opinion!!). She knows her name (or more probably, my voice) and notes (if not heeds) my "requests" about 80% of the time. I'm thinking not too bad for only a few of days. From a lifetime of German Shepherd roommates I know there will be many setbacks in the learning process but Miss Molly is an intelligent girl and I look forward to our joint venture in this progression.
I cannot thank you both enough for facilitating my adoption of Molly . . . She is a very special girl and I am soooooooo grateful to have her in my life . . . forever . . .
Wishing you a Wonderful Holiday Season and please come visit in the new year!!