PUPPY REILY AKA WINNIE HAS A NEW FAMILY PUPPY WINNIE aka REILY is a 4 month old sweet female black and tan GSD. She was spayed12.09 and was taken by a family for a foster to adopt. The family decided that she was not the right puppy for them, so we are putting her back on the available list. While they had her, she was spayed and began classes in obedience. She is fabulous in that she walks on a loose lead, sits on command and downs on command. She was perfect with dogs and people and has been to all the dog friendly stores like Lowes and Home Depot. She is just a great smart gal. Her issue is that she doesn't crate well. She will eat in her crate and go in by herself, but doesn't like being locked in. She sleeps quietly all night on her bed. She is housebroken and super attentive. She was originally purchased by a family, and when they realized that she needed to be trained, and the work it takes to have a gsd puppy, they dumped her. She is healthy and eager to please and learn , like any gsd puppy she needs training for obedience and sociability. All puppy rules apply this gal..
THE FOSTER WROTE: Riley is a smart and very energetic puppy. She does need lots of exercise and engagement. She is housebroken, she's only had one accident since joining us. She walks well on a leash and does well meeting new people and dogs. She has NOT been exposed to cats but has handled herself well around our chickens. She has been learning sit, down, and park(for lay down). We have been playing the come here game with her and she is doing well.
Unfortunately, Riley has a severe reaction to containment. To the point of injury and destruction of her crate. She is extremely agile and has no problem jumping gates so containment in general is a concern. We have been working with her. We purchased an enclosed crate (not the wire kind) and have progressed to meals in her crate. She is making slow progress and will hopefully be able to overcome this in time. She also suffers from separation anxiety from however she bonds to in the household, in this case it is me. She had bolted for the door and made it out once this will also need to be trained out for in her new home.