GORDON2 HAS A NEW HOME AND FAMILY GORDON2 Came into the rescue today 7/19 from the Gateway area. He was a stray and no one came for him. He is by far one of the most handsome dogs we have ever gotten. Perfect confirmation and even a better disposition. he is great with dogs and people. He is pinch collar literate and walks well on a lead. He was well cared for and probably housebroken. We will know that in a day or so. he is in foster care. He is heartworm positive and we will treat that at our Pt Charlotte AWL clinic. If you are out of the area you will have to bring him back to us for the 3 required shots. He is about 88 pounds and a perfect black and tan look. He is a large dog and quite strong but calm enough to go with anyone. He was neutered and chipped yesterday and he did well with lots of handling and touching by strangers over these past days. He is a spectacular dog.