• Monday, December 05 2022 @ 09:25 pm UTC
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  • Views: 603
ANNIE HAS A NEW HOME ANNIE came into rescue today 12.5 as she was being relinquished by her ower who is moving to a county that doesn't allow transfer pets. Annie is 10 years old and in excellent shape. She is a large Sable female, 88 pounds, spayed and UTD on shots and chipped. She was a true service animal and is very well trained on verbal and hand commands. She is housebroken and beautiful, sweet and people and dog and even cat friendly. She is being evaluated for foster today and will probably be in a foster in the next week or so. Annie likes water but was never taught to play ball as (in her service mode) was by the side of the owner and not allowed to pick things up besides what she was taught to do. She is affectionate and met me and 5 of my dogs, without incident. She is alert and will let you know when someone is there but is affectionate to people 100% of the time.