EVIE HAS A NEW HOME AND FAMILY EVIE, as I named her today, came in from a terrible situation where she was tied to a tree, exposed to the elements, not fed nor given water and was almost dead when found. The chain around her neck was locked on both ends with a 1/2 pound lock and she was essentially left there to die. The owner, now in jail, thought nothing of it and even asked, as she was still in jail, if she could have her back when she was released? I can't figure people out and never will. Evie is in our care and will be for the next month or so. She weighed 33 pounds on arrival and miraculously was HW neg and had no worms or parasites. She had a flea bath and was flea-free when she arrived. She was essentially saved by a great animal control lady who cared enough to et us involved and facilitated us taking her in for rescue. Evie is a non spayed, sable, female GSD. She is so emaciated that we could not administer shots today be she was checked out with a vet and given a great prognosis which we will insure happens. She will get good nutrition, care, training and above all else love in our foster home. Once she is a good weight she will have shots and be released for adoption. She is a happy girl, playful, about 1 year or less old and super affectionate. Once she is ready we will have more info.