OLLIE HAS A NEW HOME OLLIE came into rescue yesterday and is being fostered along with his sister Winnie in Sarasota. There is a chance that they will be adopted by that family, but for now we are posting them up to have folks be aware that they are in our rescue. OLLIE is a beautiful large black and tan, semi long hair male GSD. He is a BIG boy about 80 pounds now and in 6 months 100#'s for sure. He is neutered and will have all shots and a chip by next Saturday (6/27/22) Winnie is the alpha in the group and Ollie just is content to follow along. She seems to basically dictate what Ollie can and cannot do such as leaving her side. She is bonded to him and he to her but we know from experience that they can be separated and things will be OK after a few days of trauma on his part and then acceptance of the new situation and everyone moves on. They were definitely owned by a family in the Miami area and then dumped on the street, which is normal for that part of the state. They were taken in by a kind and caring family who had them for a few weeks and attempted in every way to find the owners. Since the boy (Ollie) was chipped, they sought the owner by that registration. It turned out the chip was never registered and that lead went cold. They advertised the dog repeatedly but no one came forward, hence they came here. She appears the be housebroken. They are dog and people friendly and are a very handsome couple.