• Friday, February 18 2022 @ 10:01 pm UTC
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  • Views: 1,316
HECTOR HAS A NEW FAMILY HECTOR was dumped in the Miami area and was recovered by a good family there and kept for a dew days while they tried, in vain, to find his owners. They finally realized he was dumped like many dogs in Miami, a third world country for dogs. Dogs are like furniture in that area, when you are done with them they go out in the trash. Since Hector was found (we named him) he has adapted to the family and has been shown to be dog and people friendly. He appears to be healthy but we will see when he arrives and Doc gets to see and test him. He probably will be HW Pos as that's the norm over there, but the jury is out on that. He will be neutered and get al shots once he gets to see the vet., He was bathed and he has no fleas. He is people and big and small dog friendly. The jury is out on cats. Once he gets here we will be able to have more hands on data on him.

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