GUNNER 2, named because we had 2 Gunner's this year, came to us as a stray from Ft Myers. He is about 85 pounds and he has fluffy longer deep primarily black fur. He is black and tan. Gunner2 has had all shots and a chip and HW Neg. We think that's his name because it was associated with the chip, but the chip was never registered hence we don't have a clue if that name was ever changed. He seems to answer to it. When we got him his fur was really stinky and he was in dire need of a bath and grooming. He let us bathe him and even blow dry him. Normally dogs that are in such shape are a bit skittish about that amount of touching, washing and brushing, but not Gunner2. He loved it! He seems to be super friendly to all the people he meets. He was tested with a big dog (pit) and a Pug at the shelter and he did fine. He saw our sheps today and was non reactive. He did react to a bike on his walk on the first day we had him. He did bark at a small ankle biter as well but since that time he has been dog neutral. He likes people but I would not put him with kids below 15 as he is untested. He has been neutered, UTD on shots and chipped. He is housebroken, not destructive and crate trained. He is an escape artist and can open lever doors easily, open fences, crates and enclosures. He is excellent in the house and very affectionate. He does like being walked and does well on a leash. He could use some basic skills training from a new owner, but he is a real sweet boy. He must go into training by a person who he perceives as alpha. We guess he is about 5 to 6 years old and has a great gate and otherwise is in perfect health. He is available immediately.