UPDATE SNOWBALL was the first name that struck me when i saw this MOOSE. HE IS NOW BEING CALLED BEAR BY HIS FOSTER AS HE SURELY LOOKS THE PART. Snowball is a very large male white as snow, GSD. He was found as a stray in Miami shelter strays are a nice way of saying dumped dogs, as that is Florida's dumping ground. For whatever reason, he was dumped on a street and found by a local teacher. She took him to her home where he was housed for a week plus while she tried to find his owners. That obviously was never going to happen. She then had to decide to relinquish him to the Miami Dade shelter or to me.... that choice was also obvious and we now have him. From what we know, Snowball is extremely well adjusted. Fairly well trained now thanks to his foster, housebroken, very dog and super people friendly, very overweight( but has lost 15 pounds), very people friendly and super social. When he arrived at our fosters home, he fit right in. He got a much needed bath and lots of hugs before he came to my house. He had his picture taken and met 5 of my dogs who immediately barked at him. He did nothing with the noisy reception and was all about calming them and being quite the gentleman. On Friday 6/10 he was neutered and given all shots and a chip. We did test him for heartworm and he is NEG which is a sign he was cared for before he was dumped. He have not tested him with kids or cats but from what i can see in my assessment he is a great dog for most any home. White GSD's like all of them shed like crazy and at 135 pounds (now 120) this moose is no exception. He will make a great family dog and deserves a home where he can get and give love.