UPDATE LOOKS LIKE THOR HAS FOUND A HOME THOR came into the rescue today from another smaller independent rescue in northern FL. He was found with another dog Titan and taken to a vet then to us. He is positive for heart worm and has some skin issues but he is a sweet calm dog (at least for now) and seems to like people and dogs. I bathed him today and he loved it. We will be taking him to a vet this Tuesday to get more info on him and his conditions. All conditions that can be treated medically will be covered by the rescue, so if adoption is a consideration, please understand that you will have to provide TLC and love and we will handle the med bills at our port Charlotte clinic (AWL). Thor is about 6 years old, best guess. He needs to be neutered but is UTD on shots and he will be chipped on Tuesday. He is mobile but has some arthritis and a number of other issues. He will make a full recovery, that we know. He is bonded to his friend Titan but he can be separated. If you are interested in meeting him please let me know.