• Monday, December 14 2020 @ 03:03 am UTC
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  • Views: 1,576
PUPPY BOO HAS A NEW HOME PUPPY BOO came to us on 12/3 but we had her in foster for a week or so to make a better evaluation of her personality. She is a 1 year old black semi long hair GSD. She is spayed and healthy with all sots and a chip. She came to us from a family that could not adequately care for her and turned her into us for re-homing. She definitely needs basic training and that needs to be in a social setting as she is a bit reactive at first when she is unfamiliar with the dogs around her. She is a total people dog and loves to be petted and get belly rubs. She is dog and kid friendly and takes direction well. It took us about 30 minutes today to completely get her oriented around meeting 10 other GSD's that she had never seen before., Once the apprehension went away she was totally fine with both males and females. She did love being petted by lots of people and kids and she is currently living with 3 dogs and 2 cats and 2 children, one of which is an infant. She is a beautiful dog and we want the best family for her. Like any puppy we rehome, we do require a $500 refundable bond to insure she get the training she needs.

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