• Thursday, October 08 2020 @ 06:08 pm UTC
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  • Views: 1,195
LESTER AKA REGGIE HAS A NEW HOME REGGIE first came in to the rescue as Lester. he was half dead and was chained to a fence around his ankle and through his ear. He managed to escape and the hole in his ear seems to have healed. His ankle will heal soon. He did have severe hook worms which are being treated. Reggie is very affectionate and would make a great dog for someone with no pets (as he has issues with other smaller dogs). He did live for 2 weeks with another GSD and he did fine but became very attached to the foster and didn't want her dog to get any love, so he was returned. He went to a second home where he is now but because of his issue with small dogs, they do decided to return him. In a single dog home without tons of foo foo dogs on the street he is just fine. He loves people and he is affectionate and engaged. We have nursed him back to health but because of the terrible shape he was in, he needs a home with limited activities and a calm environment as well as a fenced grassy back yard. If you have the band width to help him please call us immediately.

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