APPOLLO HAS A NEW FAMILY APPOLLO finally came in last evening (in a rain storm) 7/26/20. He was a bit damp but really happy to be with us in foster. He is a black and tan 1-2 year old in-tact male GSD. His foster said he was really casual and non reactive with the severe thunder and lightning storm and was just anxious to get into the truck to get home. Once he got to the house he settled in quickly and relaxed with his new roomy. His roomy is an 8 year old female GSD who he was comfortable with and now after a few days they really like each other. From what we have seen, he is totally good with people, super affectionate and calm. He is going to the vet this week top be tested for HW and given the remainder of his shots and vaccines. Appollo weighs about 75 pounds and he could gain a few pounds easily. He is engaged and ready to be a companion. He will be neutered in a week or so.