ZEUS HAS A NEW HOME AND FAMILY ZEUS NEEDS A NEW HOME. Zeus came into the rescue about a month ago and was immediately adopted to a family. This family had another older dog and Zeus being 10 months old turned out to be just too much for the older dog to cope with. They have decided in Zeus's best interest to re-home him. Our policy is to always accept the return of a dog we adopted out and therefore Zeus will be coming back through our rescue. He will be housed in Port Charlotte until he is re-homed. Zeus is a 10 month old super handsome male neutered GSD. He is house broken, somewhat trained (as much as can be done for a 10 month old) and he is HW Neg with all shots. Zeus has been going to basic obedience classes in Port Charlotte and he is doing well. He is still a young dog and needs to learn basic manners and discipline. He is in that teenager stage where an alpha in control is definitely necessary. Zeus is a big boy at about 70 pounds and he has some growing to do. He is good with other dogs and kids. He originally came from a home with 2 small children and a baby so he is OK in that chaotic type environment. If you can handle a young pup and you are willing to put up a training bond then Zeus is for you. Our expectation is that you will take at least 2 6-8 weeks classes for obedience. The bond is $500 which will be returned to you after completion of these classes. They can be done in a social setting at any place of your choosing so long as they address basic or advanced skills.