SWEET (AND CHUBBY) ZURI HAS A NEW FAMILY ZURI was relinquished to us because the owner could no longer care for her. Unfortunately for this 8 year old dog the owner was basically incapacitated and didn't walk her hardly at all. She did feed her to the point where Zuri gained 40 pounds of unwanted fat which needs to be removed. Zuri is obese to say the least and although she can get around, she needs to be on a strict diet. The former owner got her use to bad and fattening foods and now eating kibble has become an issue. We are addressing that with a special diet but whoever adopted this girl must maintain that regimen to get her back to a reasonable weight. Zuri is otherwise healthy with a few minor issues. She does have an ear infection and a special diet but likes to walk, loves people, cats and dogs and is eager to please. She is extremely affectionate and loves being with you. She has issues with long walks but for 20-30 minutes jaunts around the block, she is fine. Zuri is all black. She has been spayed and up to date on shots and HW Neg. She is currently being fostered in Punta Gorda and can be seen at any time. She is a fabulous companion dog who can worm her way into your heart in minutes. If you would like to meet Zuri, please call for an appointment.