RUGER is a 9 year old spry neutered male, Black and tan German Shepherd dog. WE ORIGINALLY REPORTED HIS AGE INCORRECTLY. HE WAS NINE LAST WEEK. He is healthy and in great physical condition with what appears to be good hips and structure. He does have a minor ear infection which will be cleared up in a few days after seeing a vet tomorrow 5/31/19. Ruger weighs in at about 83 pounds. He will have all his shots and a chip tomorrow and he will also get a much needed bath to remove some of his undercoat.
Ruger was relinquished because of the untimely death of his male owner. He was with his male master for his entire life and now is alone and baffled about who will care for him. He will be going into foster tomorrow after his vet visit in the Venice area and he will get all the love and attention someone can give to him. He was tested today with other dogs and was really friendly. he is a bit aloof to people until he feels confortable. It too me about 30 minutes to have him want to be petted. Ruger has had some basic training in that he comes when called, sits, down, stays and walks OK on a leash. He loves his football is doesn't chew it apart like any of mine would but rather is gentle with it and really enjoys playing fetch. His gate is remarkably smooth and he was obviously active his whole life. He did live with cats, so kitties are not at issue with Ruger. He is a handsome dog as you can see and one who would be suitable to any family. RUGER is a 9 year old spry neutered male, Black and tan German Shepherd dog. He is healthy and in great physical condition with what appears to be good hips and structure. He does have a minor ear infection which will be cleared up in a few days after seeing a vet tomorrow 5/31/19. Ruger weighs in at about 83 pounds. He will have all his shots and a chip tomorrow and he will also get a much needed bath to remove some of his undercoat.
Ruger was relinquished because of the untimely death of his male owner. He was with his male master for his entire life and now is alone and baffled about who will care for him. He will be going into foster tomorrow after his vet visit in the Venice area and he will get all the love and attention someone can give to him. He was tested today with other dogs and was really friendly. he is a bit aloof to people until he feels comfortable. It too me about 30 minutes to have him want to be petted. Ruger has had some basic training in that he comes when called, sits, down, stays and walks OK on a leash. He loves his football is doesn't chew it apart like any of mine would but rather is gentle with it and really enjoys playing fetch. His gate is remarkably smooth and he was obviously active his whole life. He did live with cats, so kitties are not at issue with Ruger. He is a handsome dog as you can see and one who would be suitable to any family.