HANDSOME ARTHUR HAS A NEW HOME AND FAMILY ARTHUR or King Arthur to mere mortals needs to find a new home as his former owners did not care for him at all. He was left to run free out in Arcadia and picked up by animal control and relinquished to us. They were calling him King but for the few days he was there, that name didn't stick but I decided on Arthur as a regal name suitable for this fantastic pup. Arthur is a 1 year old stellar black and tan male GSD. He is a puppy in every way but as calm and easy going as a dog 4 times his age. He is super affectionate and wants to be petted. He loved being groomed by me today and was eager to be touched and hugged. He is a sweet kisser who is careful not to overwhelm you with dog spit. Arthur will be neutered Monday and given all shots and a chip. He is HEARTWORM NEGATIVE which is a relief as we have had nothing but positive dogs of late. Arthur weighs about 50 pounds, but no more than that. He will weigh about 75 when full grown. He has a fabulous face and a clean perfect saddle and confirmation. Because he is a puppy he will require a $500 bond deposit (fully refundable) to insure that he gets both a basic and advanced obedience class from a training facility of your choice. There will be no exceptions on this because of his age and our puppy policy. He has no training now but because he is so calm, he fits perfectly into most any family situation. He is great with people, probably great with kids from what we see, (yet to be verified) and we know he is great with other dogs. He was tested at the shelter and is now living with a foster with a larger male. If you are interested in Arthur give us a call for an interview.