MEEKA was flown in today by Pilots for paws from the central part of FL. She was discarded by her owners who claimed she stepped on a baby chick, didn't kill it, and their neighbor became so upset that they decided in their wisdom to get rid of a dog they have loved for 5 years.... Go Figure. They of course never gave the dog shots or heart worm protection and she is HW POS, which is more than likely the real reason behind their unusual actions. Meeka is a bit chubby. She weighs 95 pounds and is immediately being put on a diet. She is only 5 and has to be thinned down in order to have a full life. She is spayed and now has all shots. If she is not already chipped we will do that when she goes to the vet next week. Meeka is extremely friendly with people and dogs, both big and small. She is untested with cats but since she was on a farm, she is probably fine with them but we still have to check. Meeka was never trained to walk on a leash and is going into training yet today (9/22/18) by her foster. She pulls a bit but was controlled with a pinch collar and a bit of training. She is housebroken and super friendly. When she came into the airport today she mat lots of kids and was excited to see them. She road well from and to the airport. Meeka is a sable GSD and has a beautiful coat and excellent appearance. She is calm and submissive and once we get a better reading on her from her foster, we can make a mkore accurate commentary on her in a home.