REX THE WONDER DOG HAS A NEW HOME REX came to us 8/9/18 after being tied to a tree in Collier County. He had no food or water and was remarkable resilient after he was saved. Whoever tied him to a tree in the Panther Preserve wanted him to meet an untimely death, but miraculously he was found and brought to us. He had no chip and because he was tied to a tree had no owner. He was taken in by the family and remained there for almost a week. He was living with a cat and really had no interest. He is seemingly cat friendly and we tested him again today and now we are confident he is cat friendly. We know he is absolutely dog and people and kid friendly. I had him at Fisherman's village and he was petted by 50 kids and 100 adults and he did great. He does pull a bit on the lead but after training he will be fine. He is being housed here at my home in Punta Gorda and will be available for a showing anytime. He will be fixed on 8/14/18. We can see that he has one testicle that did not fall so whoever gets him will have to take him to our clinic next week for a neuter where the situation will be corrected. We do not know if he is HW Pos or Neg but again we will find out next week. I would say he is Neg because he came in well groomed, house broken, somewhat trained and clean. He was given 2 baths and remains engaged and affectionate. He has had some training with sit, leash walking and down and loves ball and takes treats softly. He weighs 90 pounds and has beautiful fur and temperament. He did meet other dogs calmly and rides in a car well. He is black and tan with a short red tinted coat. He did meet my neutral dog Rudy and did quite well with the introduction but after today he met 10 dogs at fishville and did perfectly.