As we have not heard back from the owner, i am unable to leave ATOS on the site. His disposition is undetermined at this time. As more information becomes available i will post it. ATOS is a former Military Working Dog. He was a bomb dog NOT PATROL and has been fully vetted to live with a family. He is a working dog and needs a family that will work him in either SAR Search and Rescue or has an exercise program that he can participate in daily. He is not a couch potato and must be active as that was what he was trained for and what he lives for. Since he will no longer be a bomb dog and since he will live with a family he needs to be in a place where he can thrive, be loved and be useful since he will not understand why anyone would just be sitting around! He is 7 years old and up to date on shots. He will be neutered upon acceptance in our program and he currently lives in SC with a family. The prior owner wrote this narrative: Dear Erik, Here are some photos of Atos. He is a 7 year old sable male GSD that I retired in June. His tasking protocol is EOD, and he is the best detection K9 I ever worked. HIs drive and love of working is incredible, and his accuracy is perfect. His background for his entire career has been with Special Operations, and he has served throughout the Middle East in combat environments such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. Many of the missions he supported are classified, and he is a very special K9 to all of us. After he retired, he was placed with the family of one of the officers I worked with overseas. He integrated right in with their family, and their Lab, Dutchess. Unfortunately, his 1 year old turned out to be allergic to Atos, and they had to ask for a new home. It broke their hearts, as he was very loved, and absolutely adored their daughter.. The home he went to after was with one of my veterans, and he ended up not following the directions that were given to him as far as handling Atos and how to integrate him into his home. So I am pulling him from there, and looking for a home again. The ideal home is one where Atos can both serve a purpose and be a pet.
If you feel ATOS would be a suitable dog for your active family, give me a call and we can discuss options.