• Friday, October 13 2017 @ 04:54 pm UTC
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We have a few events coming up that I would like to participate in. If any of our fosters or volunteers or wish to come that would be great. lease inform me by email that you are willing to attend. We have no dogs currently so everyone can bring their pups to show the type of dogs we adopt out.

The events are Nov 17 – 19 which is called hogs and air dogs and will be put on by Gulf Coast Humane at Six Bends Harley Davidson 9501 Thunder Road Ft Myers.
The events will be from 10 – 4 each day and I will probably leave the tent up if they permit it and if there is security. If not, someone will have to break it down daily and set it up in the morning. I will probably be with family on Saturday but I should be able to come for a time Friday and Sunday for sure.
They will have a dock and allow non professionals to jump… I am bringing Sadie as she is a great jumper even at almost 11. I will also bring Ollie and one other, so if you wish to come and need a dog to handle I have plenty, just let me know and I will stuff more in the truck.
We will be handing out cards, taking applications and doing general outreach as we have many times before. I will be posting it on the web site and you can let your friends know do we get lots of traffic. That applies to all of these events.

The second is going to be Nov 4 from 9 – 1pm November 4th, 2017 at 2825 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda. At the Coldwell Banker office. Lena Veit
Coldwell Banker Sunstar Agent
941.740.3018 is coordinating it. There will be AWL and 3 other rescues present. I cannot be there so whoever wants to come would have to pick up the tent and banners from me or I will deliver them the week before. We only need 2 people as this is a local event and probably will have minimal attendance. It try and do this stuff because getting the word out is always productive. Yes you can take your dogs to the event.

Nov 5, Sunday from 4pm – 7pm The AWL Yappy Hour will be held at the Tiki Bar at the Four Seasons Hotel. They have asked us to fill out an application which has absolutely no relevance or to us or anyone filling it out as we are not guests of the hotel but they have asked that we do it and I have attached it. If you are going with your dog please fill one out. We will have a tent as before on the river side and I will be there about 3-3:15pm to set up. If you wish to go, the more the merrier, please let me know. THE APPLICATION CAN BE FOUND ON LINIE AT THE WWW.AWLSHELTER.ORG WEB SITE OR BE EMAILING ME.

In all events please wear your shirts and if you don’t have one, please let me know so I can get some more.
