• Saturday, July 29 2017 @ 01:17 am UTC
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  • Views: 1,594
PERFECT PERCY CAME TO US TODAY FRIDAY 7/28 AND HE IS ONE GREAT DOG WHO NOW HAS A NEW HOME AND FAMILY Percy came to us as a street stray from Sarasota county where he was about to get on the Euth list. He was saved by one of their great volunteers who called me with his story. He was delivered to me for an evaluation where he met my golden Clancy and they liked each other at first sight. He went on to meet a few dogs and lots of people at the transfer point. He didn't meet anyone he didn't immediately fall in love with and try and bury his head in their lap. From standing on your foot to the GSD lean, he did everything he could to show me what a fabulous pup this was.
Percy then got his name... like always off the top of my head and began is life with me in rescue. he was immediately given a flea bath and had his nails done along with a rabies shot and a medical check. he was not given his other shots and a chip because we want to wait a week or so until his issues clear up. he has a goopy eye and some skin issues that are easily addressed and within a week or two he will be set for a neuter, chip and the remainder of his shots. He weighs 72 pounds and will easily get to 82 as he matures. He is black and brown with a nice coat once he hets it brushed out. He is HW NEG which is a big plus and his temperament is stellar. He is a great black and tan 1.5 year old GSD who has soft eyes and a soft disposition. He takes treats so softly that you can't feel them being licked off your palm. Percy is actually ready to go immediately but we may want to keep him a week or so to insure he gets the proper meds and his skin clear us but he is AVAILABLE TO MEET IMMEDIATELY in Bonita with his foster mom.

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