The family that adopted her has decided that they are just not ready for a dog. Being a great family that have decided that she would be better off in a different home than theirs so we have begun the re-homing process. They 'cliff-notes' on her are listed below. Sweet puppy Princess needs a new family. She came in today at an emaciated 50 pounds. She needs good food, TLC and a new family t love. Princess1 as she will be known as we already had a princess this year was found on the street in Ft Myers. She is an 8 month old spayed female black and tan GSD. She is HW Neg and besides being super skinny is a great dog. She is staying in Bonita with a male and a few smaller dogs and she is in her element. She is friendly and loves other dogs, cats and she even met a rabbit. Her temperament is excellent and why someone dumped her is beyond me. She will make a great family dog once she is trained. She is housebroken which seems to say she was in a home and HW Neg which also means she was cared for at some time but then dumped??? Go figure. She is available immediately. She has had some training and she is extremely affectionate, rides well in the car and seeks touch readily.
Here is what the foster family said about this dog: We have made a list of our observations in case you would like to include them on your website when you post her. Feel free to edit as you wish. They are as follows: -No food , toy, or bone aggression -curious about other dogs in a non-aggressive way -associates jingle of a chain, clinking of forks, or purse strap as a leash and gets excited -associates sliding glass door and a back yard as "doing her business" , not a Long walk. -non reactive to birds -medium prey response to wild rabbits -non responsive to pedestrians on foot/bike -large prey response to running cat. responsive to sight of standing cat. -air nip when in "red zone" -No anxiety issue with rain / thunder -Enjoys and plays well with squeaky toys -Enjoys tug of war with a old , knotted up T-shirt -Enjoys deer and elk antlers -prefers chicken flavor & loves gravy -Loves couches and beds, but not necessarily cuddling. (prefers her own space) -obeys sit, stay, and come -doesn't know "fetch ball" but we have been working on that begging with fetch a squeaky toy -Non violent with pain stimulus (i.e. vaccination, shots, cactus spurs) -Non reactive to loud noises, boisterous activity, children rough housing -Non reactive to raising of Arm with object in hand. (hasn't been beaten or abused) -twitches / snores in her sleep -likes running around house and jumping on furniture in a playful manner -Rarely barks!! Only vocal on rare occasions. -Greets visitor at door and in home with affection and not barking/growling (hence, don't foresee as a guard dog ) -non-reactive to new people entering home , knocking on door. -more of a gentle soul than a protector -will get up out of a comfortable rest to follow you if you leave the room -Loves car rides, sits & lays like a lady, doesn't stick head/nose out window. -not startled by sudden movements from people -likes beef jerky -relentlessly follows whomever she views as alpha -really likes men. greeted husband and sat next to him like they were long lost buddies. -disinterested in lowest ranking member of pack. -responds to whistling as a call signal -curious but non reactive to vacuum and carpet cleaner. -growls at her reflection in mirror , but no aggressive behavior. -well mannered around goats. -maneuvers stairs easily.