UPDATE AFTER 1 DAY IN FOSTER: Our Foster wrote: Maya is doing very well. She's eating, bathrooming and following direction. She is obviously crate trained, slept in crate very quietly all night. She is accepting my pack although they are a little wary of her, she has that alpha thing going on :) Shell be ready for a home when a family comes along.
Maya had an issue with a Chiauaha at GCHS but they said it was a nasty little dog that antagonized Maya first. She's been fine with Marcus (my Cocker ) but if the new family has dogs a meet and greet would probably be good. I haven't seen her with kids/cats but it's listed that she's ok with them. She's very sensitive about her left ear so new family has to understand it is hurting her. She's on a strong ear drop, only use for 7 days, so hopefully we'll see ear improvement each day. It is taking 2 of us to clean and medicate it though.
I've used a prong collar on her and I would highly suggest new family have one, this is a very big, strong girl and will need training to establish the new family as her alpha, otherwise she is quite dominate and may decide she is in charge..
Oh, she also rode beautifully in my van. I do suggest her new owners know how to take leadership role with a dog, she really needs to know that people set the rules, not her. I hope we have the right family for her :)
MYA is a big beautiful sable GSD. She is about 6 years old and weighs in at a whopping 97 pounds. She is a BIG girl. She is not fat nor does she have any medical issues other than a current ear infection that is being treated and will clear up quickly. She came in from a family with kids. They dumped her at GCHS because they did not want a dog who sheds. They got her from a friend all of which is suspect. She has recently lived outside but seems adaptable to a crate and did live inside most of her life until she landed with the family who gave her up. We are checking now if she is housebroken. We do know she is health, HW Neg somewhat trained and reported great with dogs, cats and kids. We are assessing her during these next 5 days before we release her for adoption. We do see that she was a family dog and yet the transition may prove to be harder on her than on others in the same situation. Once i get more photos I will post them.