• Thursday, January 19 2017 @ 10:54 pm UTC
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MADDIE IS NOT IN OUR RESCUE BUT BELONGS TO A PERSON WE KNOW AND WE ARE TRYING OUR BEST TO OFFER ASSISTANCE. IN READING THE NARRATIVE BELOW PLEASE CONSIDER ALL OF THE FACTS BEFORE REACHING OUT TO THE FAMILY. Maddie came through a rescue who failed to properly vet the dog for certain temperament and characteristics. She was adopted out about a year or so ago and was fine in the home and with the family. Maddie has gone through training. She is 7 years old, housebroken and loving to her owner but has property and guarding issues that have now gotten to the point where the family has no choice but to rehome her to a situation where she can do better than her current situation.
The family as a few kids and two parents. Maddie has taken to the mom and has over these year+ in the home become very attached. So much so that she guards her. She has become aggressive (yet under control) with her kids and their friends. She has not bitten anyone but has shown aggressive signs which has caused them to have to put her up when guests come over.
Although we know these behaviors and their cause, we are not here to diagnose or even to correct these as Maddie is NOT in our rescue. We have counseled the family and we have advised them to re-home the dog to a family who may have limited visitors and who wants a loving pet but has a living situation where the dog could be protective and not put others at risk.
Maddie is a loving dog who is committed to her owner. She is not mean, does extremely well with other dogs at the dog park and in social setting with people and dogs outside of the home. She is loved by the family and is not in jeopardy of being put down but rather re-homed.
The owner wrote:

Maddie is a 6 or 7 year old German Shepherd and weighs about 94lbs. We adopted her in June of 2015. She is a VERY sweet, loving dog with our family, but she becomes aggressive with anyone entering our home other than the immediate family. She has not bitten anyone, but she has chomped (air snap) at them while barking in their face. Before she came to be a part of our family she was in a hoarding situation in Alabama and was used for breeding. She is current on all vaccinations and heart worm/flea medication.

Because we feel this dog can be successfully rehomed we are looking at the rescue community to see if she fits into your home. If she does The owner can be contacted at 727-482-9141, which is in the Tampa area. We have not met nor evaluated this dog but we trust the owner who is known to us for accurate information.

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