• Monday, November 28 2016 @ 11:15 pm UTC
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  • Views: 1,477
TIFF HAS A NEW HOME AND FAMILY TIFF was originally found on the street after being dumped by some bastard. She was taken in by a Lab rescue and subsequently went to two different homes, both of which did nothing to train her and allowed her anxiety and training to go unresolved. She is a people friendly dog. The rescue wrote this note:

I had found this dog running down hwy 301 in Zephyrhills, FL about 6 months ago. She was chipped so I contacted owners who said they didn't have the time or means to care for her so they surrendered her to me. Since then she has been placed in new homes twice, and found wandering the streets both times. I contacted both owners one didn't respond and the other said they hadn't had her vaccinated or vetted at all in the time that they had her. She is unaltered and as far as I know has not been vaccinated. She is good with children as I have a 7 and 8 year old. Although at first i could not gauge her feelings towards my dogs because she lacked expression, she has warmed up and is good with active playful dogs as I have 3 pit mixes. Shows curiosity towards cats but has not interacted with mine. Loves car rides doesn't like being locked in a room or crated. Appears to have separation anxiety as in, if she is locked up she scratches at the doors and cries. House trained and leash trained.

We feel that this beautiful animal is deserving a great family. One who will spend the time training her and caring for her to brig out her full potential and help her get over her insecurity. She is about a year old and will be spayed as soon as possible after adoption. She is chipped but will also receive her shots as we cannot document that any were given.
If Tiff works for your family please call me.

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