- Saturday, May 28 2016 @ 01:53 am UTC
- Contributed by: erik
- Views: 2,247
UPDATE WE HAVE A FAMILY FOR PEPPER COMING SUNDAY Pepper is a 9 mo old female black GSD. She is HW positive and will be treated and spayed next week. She is a sweet affectionate dog currently in our N Ft Myers kennel. She was originally homed with another GSD for us but she was too much for their dog. She doesn't like to share attention and growled at the family dog when he received attention. When petted them both together she was fine but we noticed that she likes 100% of the affection and therefore recommend a single dog household. She is easy going and immediately bonds with people. She seeks out attention readily and would be an easy dog to train and for any family. She is way too interested in cats so I recommend a non-cat household. She weighs about 50 pounds and will probably not be much bigger than 65 pounds. She is all muscle and smaller in size than many other females but she will grown some in the next year or so. She was severely malnourished which is why she is her current size. Pepper knows many basic commands which is why we are sure she was dumped on the street. She seems housebroken but did have 1 accident today, so only a day or so will tell that. Now that she is in the kennel we will not know for sure. She is protective of her food with her other doggy roomy but that is more likely because she was starving on the street. When she was picked up by AC she was unclaimed and came to us. She is a super sweet dog who will mature into a fabulous pet.
UPDATE WE HAVE A FAMILY FOR PEPPER COMING SUNDAY Pepper is a 9 mo old female black GSD. She is HW positive and will be treated and spayed next week. She is a sweet affectionate dog currently in our N Ft Myers kennel. She was originally homed with another GSD for us but she was too much for their dog. She doesn't like to share attention and growled at the family dog when he received attention. When petted them both together she was fine but we noticed that she likes 100% of the affection and therefore recommend a single dog household. She is easy going and immediately bonds with people. She seeks out attention readily and would be an easy dog to train and for any family. She is way too interested in cats so I recommend a non-cat household. She weighs about 50 pounds and will probably not be much bigger than 65 pounds. She is all muscle and smaller in size than many other females but she will grown some in the next year or so. She was severely malnourished which is why she is her current size. Pepper knows many basic commands which is why we are sure she was dumped on the street. She seems housebroken but did have 1 accident today, so only a day or so will tell that. Now that she is in the kennel we will not know for sure. She is protective of her food with her other doggy roomy but that is more likely because she was starving on the street. When she was picked up by AC she was unclaimed and came to us. She is a super sweet dog who will mature into a fabulous pet.