• Saturday, May 28 2016 @ 01:39 am UTC
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CHANCE HAS A NEW HOME CHANCE originally came to us over a year ago. He was in terrible shape and was adopted out to a great family who loved him dearly and not only trained him but cued him medically and provided the love he needed to grow up in a happy household.
Chance became protective of the mom towards the dad in her presence, but was super affectionate to him when she was not around. We determined that to be a form of protection of the weakest in the pack and although we tried to cure it his predisposition to that was evident enough for the family who loved him to relinquish him to us today.
They wrote:
As you already know I got Chance from you. You asked for information on him. He eats 4 cups of dog food a day. He loves to go for walks and is a very good walker. I do use the pinch collar on him because he is not good with other dogs on walks. He's ok if they are behind a fence . I usually try to avoid confrontations with other dogs by taking a different route or holding him tight to me as the person walks by with their dog. He does not chase bikes or people while on walks. He is very gentle with young children and elderly women. He loves to chew bones and play ball. He does know how to open a metal crate. He is outside potty trained, can sit, give his paw, lays, knows command for sop. especially crossing streets. He knows command for come and stay, and give kisses.
Things to be aware of; extremely scared of thunderstorms, and very protective of his owner.
He has become aggressive to my husband when he is in my presence and we are both quite afraid that this behavior will have a tragic result.
Chance was great for the year the family had him. he is about 95 pounds and housebroken. He can escape from any crate and does not like being put in one, although he is now in our kennel without incident. He is heart worm negative, has all shots and he is chipped. he is healthy and playful and has interacted with their grandson throughout his young lifetime in a perfect manner. He is black and tan in color with a nice saddle. Chance is 8-9 years old.
Chance was re-adopted out a week or so ago to a single dog family. We were unaware that they another small dog who frequently visited and as we could have predicted he had a fight with the small dog and is being returned. We know Chance doesn't like being crated and did destroy their crate. because he is house broken and great in the home with people and kids, we saw no need to crate him unless there was another small dog around. The stars didn't align for Chance and he is coming back to us tomorrow 7/15 to be re-homed yet again.

Chance needs to go to a single dog household as he is not good with other dogs in the home, nor cats, nor crates. He should be placed in a home possibly with a single woman as he is protective of his family.

If you think Chance has a chance at finding a home with you, please call us asap.