• Tuesday, May 03 2016 @ 08:29 pm UTC
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Jessie is a perfect example of how cruel people can be. She was bred and dumped on the street half starved and in bad shape.I am sure the SOB's sold her puppies and then dumped her as is the case in so many of these dogs we take in.
Jessie is a black and tan (almost sable looking) female GSD. She is otherwise healthy but underweight and a happy dog. She is housebroken and extremely smart. She is learning well but needs to have basic obedience to improve her leash pulling.
Jessie is extremely underweight and weighs in at about 50 pounds. She should be 65 pounds. She has been eating garbage so her fur is in very poor shape. She is what I deem a medium to high energy dog but in a good way. She is not an 'out of control dog' by any means, just curious and engaged which will make her easy to train. She needs a quality grain free diet and coconut oil supplements and then she will have beautiful fur. Her personality is that of a young pup. She is barely 1.5 years old and extremely energetic and inquisitive. WHEN I MET HER FOR THE FIRST TIME TODAY SHE DID A FEW DRIVE BY'S AND THEN WANTED TO BE PETTED. She does now jump when she meets you to get rubs, a really sweet girl. She was obviously scared in the kennel and wanted out and now in a foster she has begun to blossom. She seemed to be house trained but we never know. Now that she has been in a home for a week we are sure she is. She didn't pee or poop in the kennel and waited to be take out so we think she did live in a home. She is extremely social and dog friendly. We exposed her to 10 dogs with no incident at all. She does go into the crate willingly and doesn't mind a leash. She does jump when she first sees someone which is for attention, but when handled she is calm and sits readily. i do not believe she had much of any formal training and was primarily used as a breeder. She is definitely affectionate and easily trained. She responds very well to touch and hopefully will learn her new name in the next day or so. Jessie is being spayed tomorrow and will be in a foster home to recover. If you think Jessie fits your ideal GSD please call for an appointment to see her.

Foster report card:

I took Jessie over to the dog park earlier this evening and she did very well! There were quite a few dogs there including a beautiful female german shepherd/malinois mix, about the same age as Jessie. Her owner was playing ball with her and it wasn't long before Jessie was off leash and competing for the ball. She did well with all of the dogs there, and came home with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. That's a long way of saying that my fears about her being reactive with other dogs was unfounded.

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