• Monday, February 15 2016 @ 01:28 am UTC
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COLE who was formerly Lobo came to us about a month ago. He was relinquished from a home because they were unable to keep him. He presented extremely confident and pretty much untrained. He did come from a home with kids. he was never seen by us as an aggressive dog nor did we see anything that would have indicated anything to the contrary.

We placed him in a loving home and began his training at our school in N Ft Myers. He immediately protested being corrected and from that point we considered him a 'problem child'. He is really sweet after meeting and responds to touch, petting and calmness extremely well. He shows no signed of aggression when things are going smoothly but definitely changes his demeanor when corrected. He did attempt to bit one of our trainers when she corrected him and missed, but he did bite his owner on the arm when he was on the other end of the leash during that correction episode. He left training and returned 2 more times. In each incident we saw tat the dog was not at all respecting the owner who is a strong confident young man. A week ago he did also bite his owners wife. In both cases the bit was as a result f offering a correction to the dog. With anyone who meets the dog in a controlled situation he is super friendly after an initial Woof and then he is just great. It is when he is being trained does he act out. HE WAS PLACED IN A FOSTER HOME FOR THE LAST 3 WEEKS AND DID QUITE WELL. He would have stayed but they had 3 cats, two of which he like and who liked him one of which didn't get along with him and he was returned.

Quite frankly I am perplexed since I made the initial decision to accept the dog into my rescue. I obviously made a mistake in judgement because i did not see this behavior at all. He did meet our evaluator dog Rudy again without incident. He was calm and not at all threatening. He shows at first as a pussycat but during training he seems to come unglued. In his last foster he showed NO signs of any aggression nor were there any incidents or concerns by the foster. The dog was exposed to kids, adults and other dogs again with ZERO ISSUES, so the bottom line remains that he may not have liked the people who got him or there was something we didn't see. Regardless of these observations he is a good dog and I believe in him in the right home.
He is 1.5 years old, neutered and has allshots, chipped and heart worm neg. He is a handsome dog and did live with kids in both homes. There was never an incident with a child but I would NOT wish to have the dog in a home with kids. A single dog household for sure! He is black and tan and weighs about 77 pounds.

If you feel an animal like this has a chance with you, please let us know since we are trying to make a decision on the dogs future with us and through our rescue.
