- Wednesday, December 16 2015 @ 03:47 pm UTC
- Contributed by: erik
- Views: 1,986
BEGINNING JAN 1 2016 OUR NEW ADOPTION FEES WILL BE $275 FOR ANY GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG WE ADOPT Beginning January 1, 2016 our new adoption fees will be $275, which will be payable in 2 checks, one for $150 to the AWL and one for $125 to SW FL GSD Rescue to cover our kennel and food expenses. We have maintained our oldr fees now for a number of years and we are forced to increase these because of the costs we have to incur with our kennels, food, expenses and in order to continue to donate funds to our chosen charities. We will also have a new application form with a disclaimer on liability that has been recommended to us by our attorney. Since many people are litigious we are doing our best to insulate ourselves from and potential law suits where we are named as a first or second party to. This will be a slight modification on the current limited liability statement and will be a legal and binding contract to all adopters. This hold harmless agreement will also be accompanied by a training agreement which will require the adopting family to participate in training after the adoption.
[image3_left] [image4_left]
For good and valuable consideration, of which receipt is hereby received and acknowledged, the undersigned___________________________________________________________________ , whose address is ____________________________________________________________, voluntarily and willingly adopt a German Shepherd Dog from the German Shepherd Rescue of South West Florida, located in Punta Gorda, Charlotte County, Florida, and hereinafter referred to as “GSRSWF” on this _______ day of ________________ 201___. The German Shepherd Dog to be adopted is currently referred to and named __________________________________________________________. The undersigned further understand and acknowledge that GSRSWF is not a merchant, but rather a service organization that shelters and rescues homeless German Shepherd Dogs and makes the dogs available for adoption to qualified and approved individuals who agree to certain conditions and terms.
By signing this Agreement it is acknowledged that a homeowner’s insurance policy may not provide liability protection coverage for damages that may be caused by a “Dog”. Unless specified, homeowner’s insurance policies do not provide protection to the Dog owner from liability for damages to persons bitten or for any other damage the Dog may cause to people, domestic animals, or livestock. It is further agreed and understood that all responsibility and liability for damages resulting from any and all acts or omissions caused by the Dog after the adoption is that of the undersigned.
The undersigned is aware that Florida has laws regarding damage done to people and property by dogs. Florida Statutes Section 767.01 explains an owner’s liability for damages to persons, domestic animals, or livestock, and acknowledges that a copy of that statute is attached to this Agreement. The undersigned is aware Florida Statute Section 767.04 explains the dog owner’s liability for damages to persons bitten by a dog and acknowledges that a copy of that statute is attached to this Agreement. By adopting a German Shepherd Dog from GSRSWF, the undersigned legally becomes the “Owner” of the dog pursuant to Florida Statute Section 767.11(7) and acknowledge that a copy of the statute defining “Owner” is attached to this Agreement.
GSRSWF does not make any claims or representations with any certainty as to the temperament, prior acts, history, or propensities of the Dog, except that the Dog is not known to be vicious or dangerous nor demonstrated such characteristics during the brief period of time the Dog has been in the custody and care of the GSRSWF. The undersigned assumes any and all risks associated with the ownership, custody, and control of the Dog and shall not hold GSRSWF or its founders and affiliates negligent in the event the Dog shall cause damage to a person, domestic animal, or property.
In the event that the Dog causes damage to a person, domestic animal, livestock or property after the adoption the undersigned, as the “Owner”, releases from any and all liability GSRSWF, THE HOFFER FAMILY FOUNDATION, INC., Erik Hoffer, Diane Hoffer, their heirs, successors, employees, agents, assigns, and representatives, and the undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless each of them from any claim, lawsuit, legal proceeding, loss, or damage caused by the acts or omissions of the Dog. If such a claim or lawsuit should be asserted the undersigned shall provide the GSRSWF written notice of same, and thereafter assume the expense to defend, protect and hold harmless GSRSWF, THE HOFFER FAMILY FOUNDATION, INC., Erik Hoffer, Diane Hoffer, their heirs, successors, employees, agents, assigns, and representatives.
Should the undersigned fail to defend and/ or indemnify and save harmless each of the above mentioned individuals or entities, then in such instance GSRSWF, THE HOFFER FAMILY FOUNDATION, INC., Erik Hoffer, or Diane Hoffer shall have full rights to defend, pay or settle said claim on their behalf or on behalf of their heirs, successors, employees, agents, assigns, or representatives without notice to the undersigned and with full rights to recourse against the undersigned for all fees, costs, expenses, attorney
fees, payments made or agreed to be made to discharge and settle said claim or lawsuit, plus reasonable
attorney fees and costs necessary to enforce this Agreement.
The above terms and conditions are accepted and agreed to on this ___ day of ________________ 201__.
By: ________________________________ By: ________________________________
Owner Owner

[image3_left] [image4_left]
For good and valuable consideration, of which receipt is hereby received and acknowledged, the undersigned___________________________________________________________________ , whose address is ____________________________________________________________, voluntarily and willingly adopt a German Shepherd Dog from the German Shepherd Rescue of South West Florida, located in Punta Gorda, Charlotte County, Florida, and hereinafter referred to as “GSRSWF” on this _______ day of ________________ 201___. The German Shepherd Dog to be adopted is currently referred to and named __________________________________________________________. The undersigned further understand and acknowledge that GSRSWF is not a merchant, but rather a service organization that shelters and rescues homeless German Shepherd Dogs and makes the dogs available for adoption to qualified and approved individuals who agree to certain conditions and terms.
By signing this Agreement it is acknowledged that a homeowner’s insurance policy may not provide liability protection coverage for damages that may be caused by a “Dog”. Unless specified, homeowner’s insurance policies do not provide protection to the Dog owner from liability for damages to persons bitten or for any other damage the Dog may cause to people, domestic animals, or livestock. It is further agreed and understood that all responsibility and liability for damages resulting from any and all acts or omissions caused by the Dog after the adoption is that of the undersigned.
The undersigned is aware that Florida has laws regarding damage done to people and property by dogs. Florida Statutes Section 767.01 explains an owner’s liability for damages to persons, domestic animals, or livestock, and acknowledges that a copy of that statute is attached to this Agreement. The undersigned is aware Florida Statute Section 767.04 explains the dog owner’s liability for damages to persons bitten by a dog and acknowledges that a copy of that statute is attached to this Agreement. By adopting a German Shepherd Dog from GSRSWF, the undersigned legally becomes the “Owner” of the dog pursuant to Florida Statute Section 767.11(7) and acknowledge that a copy of the statute defining “Owner” is attached to this Agreement.
GSRSWF does not make any claims or representations with any certainty as to the temperament, prior acts, history, or propensities of the Dog, except that the Dog is not known to be vicious or dangerous nor demonstrated such characteristics during the brief period of time the Dog has been in the custody and care of the GSRSWF. The undersigned assumes any and all risks associated with the ownership, custody, and control of the Dog and shall not hold GSRSWF or its founders and affiliates negligent in the event the Dog shall cause damage to a person, domestic animal, or property.
In the event that the Dog causes damage to a person, domestic animal, livestock or property after the adoption the undersigned, as the “Owner”, releases from any and all liability GSRSWF, THE HOFFER FAMILY FOUNDATION, INC., Erik Hoffer, Diane Hoffer, their heirs, successors, employees, agents, assigns, and representatives, and the undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless each of them from any claim, lawsuit, legal proceeding, loss, or damage caused by the acts or omissions of the Dog. If such a claim or lawsuit should be asserted the undersigned shall provide the GSRSWF written notice of same, and thereafter assume the expense to defend, protect and hold harmless GSRSWF, THE HOFFER FAMILY FOUNDATION, INC., Erik Hoffer, Diane Hoffer, their heirs, successors, employees, agents, assigns, and representatives.
Should the undersigned fail to defend and/ or indemnify and save harmless each of the above mentioned individuals or entities, then in such instance GSRSWF, THE HOFFER FAMILY FOUNDATION, INC., Erik Hoffer, or Diane Hoffer shall have full rights to defend, pay or settle said claim on their behalf or on behalf of their heirs, successors, employees, agents, assigns, or representatives without notice to the undersigned and with full rights to recourse against the undersigned for all fees, costs, expenses, attorney
fees, payments made or agreed to be made to discharge and settle said claim or lawsuit, plus reasonable
attorney fees and costs necessary to enforce this Agreement.
The above terms and conditions are accepted and agreed to on this ___ day of ________________ 201__.
By: ________________________________ By: ________________________________
Owner Owner