• Saturday, July 25 2015 @ 12:53 am UTC
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SUPER SWEETHEART MYA HAS A FAMILY TO CALL HER OWN ANOTHER FOSTER FAILURE MYA came to us this morning 7/24 and was supposed to go out to a family this afternoon. There was something that they wanted in this fantastic girl that she just didn't have (probably size) and they decided not to take her. I have no clue what it was because Mya is a great puppy.

Mya is a smaller black and tan female spayed GSD. She has all shots and is HW Neg. She weighs about 52 pounds and can gain 5-8 pounds. She is 1.25 years old and in excellent health. She is extremely social and likes dogs and people. She seems to be fine with our cats but only tomorrow will tell as she was so excited to be here that she ignored them. All 7 of my pups played with her and she seemed to like my Golden the best. She quickly play bows everyone and seeks out attention from people in a split second after meeting you. She has had little training but she was reported to play great with the woman's grand children and based on what we have seen is a perfect lady. She is house broken and very responsive. She has what appears to be good hips and did come from a breeder (but probably a back yard breeder) at that since she came from the Miami area.

Mya is very calm and yet energetic when it comes to play. She sat with me for hours in my office and then was ready to get it on with the dogs. She is crate trained and goes into the kennel readily. She is a great smaller GSD who would make a great addition to any household. She will be in Foster effective tomorrow. If you wish to see her please call for an appointment.

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