• Sunday, June 28 2015 @ 12:03 am UTC
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HANDSOME ROSCOE HAS A NEW HOME AND FAMILY Roscoe came to us today after being neutered in Lee County. He was a street stray who was picked up and unclaimed. He is an 8 month old black and tan GSD puppy weighing in at about 75 pounds well on his way to 85 pounds. He is a solid dog in top shape with every characteristic you would want in a good size male GSD. he is black and tan but primarily black with brown legs and one sort of flopped earf. His ear give him character and he has a fantastic face and structure.
Roscoe was probably in a home because his fur and muscle tone are excellent. He loves people and had a ball seeing lots of kids and people today. he is extremely dog and people friendly and seems to ignore cats. He did see cats and rabbits up closed, nose to nose, with no reaction at all.
Roscoe knows some things such as sit but is untrained and basically unruly so training is a must. This is a gorgeous dog who in just 6-10 weeks will be unbelievable in every way. his super temperament makes training him quite easy and his desire to please comes out in just minutes after meeting him. He is attentive and responsive, engaged and ready to bond with a quality family. We can recommend him for any family with older or younger kids.
Roscoe is in foster care for now and not in a kennel as he just came out of surgery. He is ready to go home as soon as the right family comes to town.