• Wednesday, August 27 2014 @ 02:09 pm UTC
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BEAUTIFUL RIVER NEEDS A NEW HOME AND FAMILY This is River. She is an 8 year old AKC registered German Shepherd. She is spayed, and current on all shots and heart worm. No signs of hip issues, and no other medical concerns! All vet records can be supplied!

This was written by Rover's mom. He owner is going into a new career which requires her to be gone for 8 months. She must re-home River or find a foster which is quite difficult for that time frame. IF YOU THINK YOU WOULD LIKE TO FOSTER HER, THE OWNER WOULD PROVIDE ALL FOOD AND MED EXPENSES. "It's hard to find a place to start, but here we go." River is a VERY lovable dog! She is outrageously friendly, and wants to be your companion. She will take well to all sorts of people including
men, women and children! You can mess with her paws, ears, tail NO problem. She is one gentle giant!

River is great on a leash and does very well in public. She goes with me just about everywhere and I never have an issue. In public, she will just sit by you or lay down when leashed. She gets along great with other dogs (she's even been bit by another dog and didn't do anything return!) If you take her on a walk and pass other dogs, she'll raise her ears and look, but won't bark or pull towards them. I have even put her in multi-dog interactive day care for the weekend while I traveled and the lady said she was simply a peach!

She loves to go on walks and jogs (and need I say she loves car rides!!) She will get overly excited turn in circles when she sees or hears her leash, but with a simple "sit" and "easy" she will come around.

She is very fond of squeaky toys, (even though they don't last more than a day), but she won't chew anything that you don't introduce to her (your shoes and pillows are safe!) I give her bones to gnaw on, but her favorite thing in the whole world is a half deflated soccer ball. She will play fetch and carry it around!

Now, River is super smart!! She knows how to open most door handles and some gate latches. As long as they are locked right it's not an issue. She knows her basic commands, but specifically her recall is a whistle. I usually whistle her name Riv-er.

River loves to go play in the water if it's shallow, but sort of on her terms. She lets herself down my boat ramp and kicks the water up trying to eat it! Though if I walk her down to the ramp, she will just stop and look at me...silly girl! She will also tolerate baths (though you will witness the saddest face ever)

Now, no dog, especially a GSD, goes without their quirks. River is not a fan of loud noise. She will pace a bit in thunderstorms, but I have put a dog bed in the closet and that eases her. Fireworks are a whole different story. She's just a manic pacer. The vet recommends heavy exercise and some Benadryl on those two specific holidays.

River also does NOT like to be confined. Locking her in rooms or a crate does not go over well and she will try a million ways to get out. The more "open" she feels the calmer she is. Since she is not destructive, we would recommend not crating her at this stage of her life.

Keep in mind, German Shepherds are natural predatory animals. Though some Shepherds are unique to being passive towards small animals, I do NOT recommend that she be around cats, bunnies, or any other smaller pet. She is not malicious, and she used to be in a house with seven cats, however with her size and curiosity, I just simply recommend against it.

Oh, and she likes to flip her food bowl from time to time.... Haven't figured that one out yet...

Overall, River is a fantastic dog for someone who understands this breed! She wants a job! She wants to play! She wants to be your best friend! Give her a routine and she will excel!

She is my best friend! She is my companion, and she needs to be in a home that will love her the same! She will melt your heart if you let her!

While we are away on vacation River is remaining at home with her mom, but after 9/12 we will have access to her and recommend that if you want to meet River that you make an appointment to see us by email at so that when she comes here to Punta Gorda you and your family will be there to meet her and possibly take her home then and there.