• Thursday, March 20 2014 @ 02:02 am UTC
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NYLA IS HOME WITH HER NEW FAMILY We received Nyla this morning. She was supposed to be named Sunshine, but we liked the shelter name of Nyla better so, Nyla it is!
Nyla is about 2, probably somewhat less and very underweight. She was on the street for quite some time and is down 20 pounds. She is eating well now and she was also spayed and treated for Hedartworm last week.
Nyla is a black and tan female GSD. She is somewhat trained, likes other dogs, seems to be good with kitties and she is crate trained. She may or may not be housebroken, but seems to let us know when she has to go outside.
She is extremely affectionate and wants human touch, a velcro dog indeed. She is eager to please and does come when called by any human voice and by any name. Even though she has no clue about her name, any voice calls this dog over for a nose.
In the coming days we will learn more about her, but we do want her to be out of here and into a forever home very quickly. She cannot be trained for 5 weeks until she recovers from her HW meds. She was great meeting our 8 dogs and although we are not immediately putting her in the pack because of her reduced activity level (post treatment) we have her with them 24/7 in the same room.
This is one of those dogs that in 6 months will become gorgeous, just see the story of Precious and you will see what some TLC, good food and love can do. If you want to visit with Nyla, please call asap at 941 575 0243.