- Wednesday, September 26 2012 @ 02:09 pm UTC
- Contributed by: erik
- Views: 2,497
We were elated with the news that Shayna will be re-united with her former mom and will be re-homed back at her original home. This makes us really happy and proud that we could be of service in re-uniting this family. This is simply a heads up on a new dog coming in before the end of Octover 2012. Her name is Shayna... and yes that is two Shayna's in a row. This beautiful girl is about 1 year old. She is being spayed this coming week and will probably be here because of a forced relocation by the end of the month. Shayna #2 is all black weighing in at about 60#'s. She is reported to have a great disposition and has yet to be evaluated by us. Let us know if there is an interest and we wil make arrangements to expedite the process.
This was written by Shayna's owner and I wanted t share it with everyone.
Shanya is a stunning beautiful black german sheperd.
She is solid black except between her toes and on the back of her front legs she now has some silverish shading.
DOB: 11/18/11
Pruebreed /AKC
Shanya has a high play drive, her true love is playing ball, she also enjoys playing with empty water bottles as she enjoys the sounds of it crackleing when she chews it, though she loves all squeaky toys for the most part.
She loves rawhide bones and she always has a couple at all times to chew on. When she wants your attention and your watching tv , on computer etc .she will bring a bone/ ball / toy and place it next to you!
A good nickname for her could be shadow or velcro, for she follows you everywhere, she will even stick her head around the shower curtain while your in the shower.
She is good natured and over-flowing with love!!, she craves constant companionship and loves to be talked to and petted as often as she can entice you to do so!
She is gentle when playing and doesn't bite.
She has been raised with cats and kittens, so she gets along with them but being a puppy tends to push the limits of play and they avoid her.
She has been raised with two 10 lb dogs, and as with the cats is nice but doesn't understand the size differance. She will protect her food and toys from them by blocking them but I would never worry about her hurting them, maybe the other way around, lol.
She enjoys the dog park but I do not take her if there are any huge dogs or rowdy dogs present.
She doesn't seem to like children and kids, she was never really aound them much. (We believe this can change and we will know more when we meet and evaluate her.)
She is an inside dog, we have a fenced in yard but she doesn't like to stay outside unless someone or another dog is with her.
She used to sleep on my daughters bed, now she sleeps on mine. Though during the day is sleeps on her dog bed. She is left alone loose in the house when I go out. She will chew up a strange obect if you leave it out and forget to tell her no.
She is yard and home protective and will let you know of any strangers, and will bark at the door or fence / and at the person(s).
She is a true sweetheart and will give back any love she receives twofold!!
My daughter who is 20 moved out and left her with me. I have fallen in love with her and I don't know how I will be able to part with her, but I have to do what is best for her, and I can't afford to keep her in my situation, If she were to get hurt or sick I haven't the means to cover the vet bill.
Please find her a home that will give her as much love as she will give back!!. If need be I can keep her till you can find her the perfect match, someone who will love her with all their heart!
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