- Saturday, February 05 2011 @ 07:08 pm UTC
- Contributed by: erik
- Views: 2,191
It never ceases to amaze me that certain people are destine to have certain animals as theirs. A young couple had just lost their precious white shepherd and was grieving. They saw an ad or note on the net telling them that Molly was available. I am not sure where the note came from as we have many people that help us spread the word about the dogs we have in our rescue.
They responded to the ad with a call asking about Molly and after some discussion decided to come see her. Although their loss was recent and devastating they still wanted to see if Molly fit their family. We spoke for a while and had them meet Molly in the play yard. It was love at first site.
Molly has found a family whose ability to train her and love her is unconditional. Their compassion for animals and obvious love for this dog was heart warming. We were all taken by the moment. Diane and I were elated to see how they all interacted and that the fit was so beautifully seamless and immediate.
We are glad to report that Molly will keep her name and has found a forever home.
1 month later:
Dear Diane,
Thanks for keeping in touch with Molly's prior Mommy........I cannot imagine knowing Molly and having to give her up for any reason! I have been in touch with Lemon Bay animal Hospital and will pick up the prescription for ZD Ultra and for Revolution (which is what we always used for we are familiar with it). They have changed the ownership information in the computer so that it reflects her new family as well. We still need to update the chip ownership information, I cannot recall what you mentioned to do regarding that issue, the excitement of Molly was foremost in my mind. Feel free to remind me :-)
Molly has been calm, and hilarious when not being calm. We got her a heavy duty chew toy (stuffed Animal type), it lasted about six minutes, so much for heavy duty. She was actually quite tender with it, so we were surprised. Daisy-Mae would never chew her toys hard, she was too tender a being and didn't want to hurt anything. We will being purchasing a new soft toy from Pet-Smart, and keeping the receipt in case it goes the way of the first one!
The kids were so happy when they met daughter asked tearfully if she was dreaming........and then promptly stated that Daisy-Mae must have sent Molly to us, to rescue us. Kids and Dogs are very smart indeed.
We have decided to Honor Daisy-Mae by giving her middle name to Molly, so her official name is:
Molly-Mae. All good southern dogs appreciate a good old southern name :-)
I look forward to hearing from you when time allows, and cannot thank you enough for having enough faith in us to allow Molly to be in our family. She has been licking my tears about Daisy-Mae, and has been quite patient with me indeed.
Yours Truly,
Peggie, Shaun, Anasofia, Aiden and Molly-Mae